姊姊第一次英文演講比賽今對媽媽來說一則喜,一則憂,許久不見的假日陽光,今被早起的祐子發現~有太陽耶,但今我們不能去散步囉,因祐祐要和保姆媽媽去台北宴客,而姊姊要去慈文國小參加長迪美語班的校際英文演講比賽,妞妞可是班賽通過才可出來和別分校比,媽媽覺這seo機會很難得,且英文班都是國小以上的學生,有的已有去年比賽經驗,姊姊現在才大班因姊姊在之前就有接觸美語班,所以發音很棒,加上她背誦能力~佩服,但第一次上台演講還是會緊張,都忘記笑容囉,她平時可是笑嘻嘻練習,她好愛這次的題目~Show and Tell 可和她最愛巧虎燒烤亮相,還好台風只佔10%,而其餘寶貝妞都表現不錯,才能拿下~第二名ㄋㄟ, (有獎盃和金石堂300元禮卷)姊姊繼上次拿到第二名獎盃後,這次又是,自嘲說她是拿第二名高手啦,她會第二名,媽媽也很不敢置信,因我看其他小朋友台風表現很棒,但就是內容30%~他們的三分鐘演講商務中心稿是由家長自己寫,所以許多同學念太短,而姊姊ㄋ,拔拔把Show and Tell寫的剛剛好ㄋㄟ,My name is Joyce.I am in class N 101A Nankan campus.Now I am going to tell you about my best friend --- Chiao-Hu(巧虎).Do you know who Chiao-Hu is? Please take 褐藻醣膠a look at my hand.He is Chiao-Hu, a little tiger.His favorite foods are donuts, and soccer is his favorite exercise.There are four people in Chiao-Hu's family --- father, mother, Chiao-Hu and his little sister.His father is a 室內設計postman, his mother is a housewife, and his little sister is still a baby.Chiao-Hu has three good friends --- Chichi, Lingling, and Taolebii.Chichi is a little rabbit, Linging is a little sheep, Taolebii is a little bird.They are good 酒店打工classmates and always play together.I know Chiao-Hu since I was one year old, and I have learned a lot of things from him. Such as to be polite, brave, honest, happy to help others and share with others.All the things I learned from 辦公室出租Chiao-Hu made me become a good kid.So I am a popular kid in kindergarten and in my class now.I love Chiao-Hu and all the things about him.There are a lot of things in our house about Chiao-Hu , such as a Chiao-Hu toy, a book, a CD, a DVD, 網路行銷a clock, clothes, shoes , and much more.In my mind, Chiao-Hu is not only a good friend, but also part of our family.I hope you will all love him after my introduction.My speech is finished.Thank you.林主任說現在的小孩好幸福,她第一次英文演保濕面膜講是在國外的大學,當時上台第一句還沒說就哭了~下台,年紀小的寶貝經過這次上台比賽可累積學習經驗,會更有勇氣.媽咪還是要說~寶貝妳很棒~持續加油喔.!!今天的憂是祐子今晚似乎腸胃感染了,一直吐,醫生說近日得感冒都是如此,只能吃稀飯了,所以姊姊的賞~龐德羅莎關鍵字行銷加極地熊寶貝電影要延後囉!!

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